Welcome to Canadian Prop!


At Canadian Prop, we specialize in providing the highest quality Canadian prop money for a variety of uses. Whether you're a filmmaker, photographer, theater director, or event organizer, our prop money is designed to meet your needs with impeccable detail and authenticity.


 Our Mission:


Our mission is simple: to deliver the best prop money that looks and feels as real as possible. We understand the importance of realism in your projects, and we are committed to helping you achieve the perfect look with our products.


 Why Choose Canadian Prop?


- **Superior Quality**: Our prop money is printed with high-resolution images and crafted from durable materials, ensuring it stands up to the closest scrutiny.

- **Realistic Design**: We pay attention to every detail, from the texture and color to the size and design of our bills. Our prop money looks authentic, making it ideal for close-up shots and detailed scenes.

- **Fast and Reliable Service**: We pride ourselves on our efficient production and shipping processes. When you need prop money quickly, you can count on us to deliver.

- **Customer Satisfaction**: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We are always here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and ensure you have the best possible experience with our products.


Our Story


Founded with a passion for the film and entertainment industry, Canadian Prop was born out of the need for high-quality prop money in Canada. We saw the challenges faced by professionals in sourcing realistic prop money and decided to create a solution that meets the highest standards.


 Our Products


We offer a wide range of prop money options, including different denominations and bundles to suit various needs. Each piece is meticulously crafted to ensure it looks just like the real thing, helping you create the perfect scene every time.


Get in Touch


We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions, special requests, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at canadianprop8@gmai.com


Thank you for choosing Canadian Prop. We look forward to helping you bring your projects to life with our top-notch prop money.